中文有人翻譯為正弦波指標,在multicharts裡面並沒有該內建指標,google可以搜尋得到,計算公式有些複雜程式碼有點長 ,有興趣的自行研究看看
Inputs: Price((H+L)/2);
Vars: InPhase(0), Quadrature(0),Phase(0),DeltaPhase(0),count(0),InstPeriod(0),Period(0),DCPhase(0),RealPart(0),ImagPart(0);
If CurrentBar > 5 then begin
Value1 = Price - Price[6];
Value2 =Value1[3];
Value3 =.75*(Value1 - Value1[6]) + .25*(Value1[2] - Value1[4]);
InPhase = .33*Value2 + .67*InPhase[1];
Quadrature = .2*Value3 + .8*Quadrature[1];
If AbsValue(InPhase +InPhase[1]) > 0 then Phase =
ArcTangent(AbsValue((Quadrature+Quadrature[1]) / (InPhase+InPhase[1])));
If InPhase < 0 and Quadrature > 0 then Phase = 180 - Phase;
If InPhase < 0 and Quadrature < 0 then Phase = 180 + Phase;
If InPhase > 0 and Quadrature < 0 then Phase = 360 - Phase;
DeltaPhase = Phase[1] - Phase;
If Phase[1] < 90 and Phase > 270 then DeltaPhase = 360 + Phase[1] - Phase;
If DeltaPhase < 1 then DeltaPhase = 1;
If DeltaPhase > 60 then Deltaphase = 60;
InstPeriod = 0;
Value4 = 0;
For count = 0 to 40 begin
Value4 = Value4 + DeltaPhase[count];
If Value4 > 360 and InstPeriod = 0 then begin
InstPeriod = count;
If InstPeriod = 0 then InstPeriod = InstPeriod[1];
Value5 = .25*InstPeriod + .75*Value5[1];
Period = IntPortion(Value5);
RealPart = 0;
ImagPart = 0;
For count = 0 To Period - 1 begin
RealPart = RealPart + Sine(360 * count / Period) * (Price[count]);
ImagPart = ImagPart + Cosine(360 * count / Period) * (Price[count]);
If AbsValue(ImagPart) > 0.001 then DCPhase = Arctangent(RealPart / ImagPart);
If AbsValue(ImagPart) <= 0.001 then DCPhase = 90 * Sign(RealPart);
DCPhase = DCPhase + 90;
If ImagPart < 0 then DCPhase = DCPhase + 180;
If DCPhase > 315 then DCPhase = DCPhase - 360;
Plot1(Sine(DCPhase), "Sine");
Plot2(Sine(DCPhase + 45), "LeadSine");