

曾經有老師說 量先價行,量是股市行情的先行指標,有成交量才有趨勢~~不知道這樣的想法對不對


在EasyWin裡面可以找到大盤預估量 (證券行情>>0171大盤走勢)


如何寫到Multicharts裡面?? 感謝網友的分享,google搜尋預估量可以簡單找到相關的計算方法,也給自己當做一個記錄


vars: V_sum(0),V_est(0),TodayVol(0),YesterDayVol(0);

if date <> date[1] then begin

YesterDayVol = TodayVol[1] ;

V_sum = ticks;

endelse begin

V_sum = V_sum + ticks;


if time<=0850 then V_est = V_sum * 28.90

else if Time >0850 and time <= 0855 then V_est = V_sum * 18.67

else if Time >0855 and time <= 0900 then V_est = V_sum * 14.29

else if Time >0900 and time <= 0905 then V_est = V_sum * 9.54

else if Time >0905 and time <= 0910 then V_est = V_sum * 7.20

else if Time >0910 and time <= 0915 then V_est = V_sum * 6.11

else if Time >0915 and time <= 0920 then V_est = V_sum * 5.25

else if Time >0920 and time <= 0925 then V_est = V_sum * 4.73

else if Time >0925 and time <= 0930 then V_est = V_sum * 4.27

else if Time >0930 and time <= 0935 then V_est = V_sum * 3.88

else if Time >0935 and time <= 0940 then V_est = V_sum * 3.60

else if Time >0940 and time <= 0945 then V_est = V_sum * 3.33

else if Time >0945 and time <= 0950 then V_est = V_sum * 3.12

else if Time >0950 and time <= 0955 then V_est = V_sum * 2.95

else if Time >0955 and time <= 1000 then V_est = V_sum * 2.80

else if Time >1000 and time <= 1005 then V_est = V_sum * 2.65

else if Time >1005 and time <= 1010 then V_est = V_sum * 2.53 

else if Time >1010 and time <= 1015 then V_est = V_sum * 2.42

else if Time >1015 and time <= 1020 then V_est = V_sum * 2.32

else if Time >1020 and time <= 1025 then V_est = V_sum * 2.24

else if Time >1025 and time <= 1030 then V_est = V_sum * 2.17

else if Time >1030 and time <= 1035 then V_est = V_sum * 2.10

else if Time >1035 and time <= 1040 then V_est = V_sum * 2.05

else if Time >1040 and time <= 1045 then V_est = V_sum * 1.98

else if Time >1045 and time <= 1050 then V_est = V_sum * 1.92

else if Time >1050 and time <= 1055 then V_est = V_sum * 1.88

else if Time >1055 and time <= 1100 then V_est = V_sum * 1.83

else if Time >1100 and time <= 1105 then V_est = V_sum * 1.79

else if Time >1105 and time <= 1110 then V_est = V_sum * 1.75

else if Time >1110 and time <= 1115 then V_est = V_sum * 1.71

else if Time >1115 and time <= 1120 then V_est = V_sum * 1.68

else if Time >1120 and time <= 1125 then V_est = V_sum * 1.63

else if Time >1125 and time <= 1130 then V_est = V_sum * 1.59

else if Time >1130 and time <= 1135 then V_est = V_sum * 1.56

else if Time >1135 and time <= 1140 then V_est = V_sum * 1.53

else if Time >1140 and time <= 1145 then V_est = V_sum * 1.51

else if Time >1145 and time <= 1150 then V_est = V_sum * 1.48

else if Time >1150 and time <= 1155 then V_est = V_sum * 1.45

else if Time >1155 and time <= 1200 then V_est = V_sum * 1.43

else if Time >1200 and time <= 1205 then V_est = V_sum * 1.40

else if Time >1205 and time <= 1210 then V_est = V_sum * 1.38

else if Time >1210 and time <= 1215 then V_est = V_sum * 1.35

else if Time >1215 and time <= 1220 then V_est = V_sum * 1.33

else if Time >1220 and time <= 1225 then V_est = V_sum * 1.31

else if Time >1225 and time <= 1230 then V_est = V_sum * 1.30

else if Time >1230 and time <= 1235 then V_est = V_sum * 1.28

else if Time >1235 and time <= 1240 then V_est = V_sum * 1.26

else if Time >1240 and time <= 1245 then V_est = V_sum * 1.24

else if Time >1245 and time <= 1250 then V_est = V_sum * 1.22

else if Time >1250 and time <= 1255 then V_est = V_sum * 1.21

else if Time >1255 and time <= 1300 then V_est = V_sum * 1.19

else if Time >1300 and time <= 1305 then V_est = V_sum * 1.16

else if Time >1305 and time <= 1310 then V_est = V_sum * 1.15

else if Time >1310 and time <= 1315 then V_est = V_sum * 1.13

else if Time >1315 and time <= 1320 then V_est = V_sum * 1.11

else if Time >1320 and time <= 1325 then V_est = V_sum * 1.09

else if Time >1325 and time <= 1330 then V_est = V_sum * 1.08

else if Time >1330 and time <= 1335 then V_est = V_sum * 1.05

else if Time >1335 and time <= 1340 then V_est = V_sum * 1.03

else if Time >1340 and time <= 1345 then V_est = V_sum * 1.00;

 if time = 1345 then TodayVol = V_sum ;

最近被客戶問到 假設我想要在今天9:30 比較 是否大於昨天相同這個時間的成交量又該如何在Multicharts語法表示?


if date <> date[1] then begin
V_sum = ticks;
end else begin
V_sum = V_sum + ticks;

if time<=0930 then yVol = V_sum ;
if  time<=0930 and V_sum >= xvol  then ...... 假設今天9:30的成交量 已經大於昨日9:30的成交量 就......


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